Half a Loaf of Kung Fu (1978) | Directed by Chen Chi-hwa

A still from the film HALF A LOAF OF KUNG FU.
Chen Chi-hwa’s Half a Loaf of Kung Fu is an effortlessly charming, delightfully silly martial arts spoof that is a joy to watch from beginning to end. Even in this early outing, Jackie Chan’s skills as both comedian and physical performer are unparalleled. As a hapless (and even hopeless) student of kung fu, you can still see the discipline and grace in Chan’s pratfalls and physical comedy. The fact that all the gags and bits are shoehorned into a somewhat generic narrative is beside the point. It never takes itself too seriously and constantly undercuts any pomposity that might accidentally sneak in. The final fight sequence is glorious, with one incredible moment after another that continues to delight and astonish. These early Jackie Chan films may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but if you’re willing to give yourself over to stylistic excess and over-the-top comedy, they are so much fun to watch.

Where to Watch

Author: Josh Hornbeck

Josh is the founder of Cinema Cocktail, and he is a writer and director, podcaster and critic, and communications and marketing professional living and working in the greater Seattle area.