Blue My Mind (2018) | May 21, 12:15 am

15-year-old Mia faces an overwhelming transformation which puts her entire existence into question. Her body is changing radically, and despite desperate attempts to halt the process, Mia is soon forced to accept that nature is far more powerful than she is. – Telescope Film

Director: Lisa Brühlmann

Cast: Luna Wedler, Zoë Pastelle Holthuizen, Regula Grauwiller, Georg Scharegg

Country: Switzerland

Distributor: Uncork’d Entertainment

Rating: Not Rated

Runtime: 1 hour, 37 minutes

Platform: Shudder

Special Programming: Midnight Movies

Author: Josh Hornbeck

Josh is the founder of Cinema Cocktail, and he is a writer and director, podcaster and critic, and communications and marketing professional living and working in the greater Seattle area.