Knives Out (2019) | Directed by Rian Johnson

A still from the film KNIVES OUT.

Rian Johnson’s Knives Out is an exquisitely constructed murder-mystery with a brilliant twist on the format from its very beginning, which propels the narrative forward in some wholly unexpected, incredibly clever, and thoroughly delightful ways. The script is a masterclass of precision, the intricacies of plotting paying homage to the great mystery writers who have gone before, all the while managing to keep us second-guessing up until the final reveal. The cast is all delightful here, the pacing and comic timing superb. Johnson’s wit is razor-sharp here, and his use of framing and composition to hide (and reveal!) the film’s mysteries is exceptional. I love that the film is told from the point of view of an immigrant and that the film is ultimately about the anxieties of white Americans losing the privilege, power, and entitlement they’ve desperately held on to for so long. The message may be pointed and blunt, but it’s all wrapped up in a delightful little confection that’s oh-so-easy to swallow.

Where to Watch

Author: Josh Hornbeck

Josh is the founder of Cinema Cocktail, and he is a writer and director, podcaster and critic, and communications and marketing professional living and working in the greater Seattle area.