Censor (2021) | Directed by Prano Bailey-Bond

Prano Bailey-Bond’s Censor is a creepy and effective horror film exploring the effects of grief and how unacknowledged pain and trauma can end up leading us into isolation, wreaking havoc in our lives. The film is anchored by a tour de force performance from Niamh Algar as Enid, a censor working for the British Board of Film Classification, whose grounding and matter-of-fact approach to the material helps us fully believe in the ghoulish twists and turns the narrative takes, her emotional vulnerability in the role allowing us to completely invest in our protagonist’s journey – no matter how dark that journey gets. Bailey-Bond’s visuals are mesmerizing throughout, creating hypnotic and eerily subjective landscapes through the use of highly stylized color palettes and a production design that leaves one feeling as though reality itself is unstable. Sound becomes an essential component in the terror, layering in ominous and unsettling tones, amplifying everyday sounds to the point of menace, and transforming sounds that should be familiar and warping them into something horrific. As Enid continues her work evaluating films filled with violent misogyny – as well as being confronted by her many sexist male colleagues on a daily basis – we see the toll this takes on her in ways both subtle and not-so-subtle throughout the film. This is a haunting and terrifying film – one that crawls under your skin and stays there long after the movie has ended.

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Criterion Channel Surfing, Episode 42: March 2021 New Releases and Expiring Titles

Criterion Channel Surfing, Episode 41: The Lovers on Other Streaming Services

Josh is joined once again by Becky D’Anna, frequent guest of Criterion Now, Film Baby Film, Flixwise, and Wrong Reel, to finish their conversation on “The Lovers” with a few recommendations for films that are available on other streaming services.

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Criterion Channel Surfing, Episode 40: Love Stories

Josh is joined by Becky D’Anna, frequent guest of Criterion Now, Film Baby Film, Flixwise, and Wrong Reel, to discuss “Love Stories” on the Criterion Channel. Plus, Michael Hutchins stops by to talk about the Criterion Channel’s release schedule.

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Cinema Cocktail, Episode 3 – The Best Films of 2020 (Part 1)

Josh Hornbeck is joined by Jonathan Laubinger of the Film Baby Film podcast and D.J. Moore of The Reel Conversation for part one of their annual conversation about their favorite films of the year.

Please Note: The above episode was originally recorded at the end of January. However, shortly after it was recorded, our podcast host was hospitalized following a  misdiagnosed injury and has only now been able finish editing.

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Criterion Channel Surfing, Episode 39: February 2021 New and Expiring Titles

Josh is joined by Becky D’Anna, frequent guest of Criterion Now, Film Baby Film, Flixwise, and Wrong Reel, to discuss the Criterion Channel’s new and expiring titles for the month of February. Plus, Michael Hutchins stops by to talk about the different genres represented by the Criterion Channel.

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The Little Things (2021) | Directed by John Lee Hancock

John Lee Hancock’s The Little Things is a boring and predictable thriller that aims for depth and profundity, but winds up saying nothing and wastes the skills of the perennially excellent Denzel Washington. Like so many serial killer narratives, the film revels in female terror and the images of victimized women, while at the same time privileging white, female innocence – especially evident n the shot the teenage girl driving alongside Washington’s character that inspires him to help solve this series of murders. The script is filled with half-baked dialogue containing references and allusions to moments that have been excised from the film in its many revisions. While Hancock is attempting to craft a weighty meditation in obsession, guilt, and regret, the film keeps our protagonist’s past and motivations such a mystery that we never care about his journey toward redemption. On the mystery side of the equation, details and clues become maddeningly obvious (at one point, a clue’s even written in bold on sandwich board for all to see), until Hancock decides to throw the details out and make up new rules for us to follow as it goes along. Unlike the films noir it seeks to emulate, the film is more steady accumulation of coincidence rather than fate shaping the lives of its characters. Hancock is desperate trying to produce a subtle and nuanced thriller with an ambiguous ending, but the elements just don’t come together.

Judas and the Black Messiah (2021) | Directed by Shaka King

Shaka King’s Judas and the Black Messiah is a thoroughly compelling biopic told through the structure of a political thriller, giving us a more nuanced, complicated, and honest look at the Black Panther Party than most mainstream narrative films have been willing to attempt. In splitting the narrative’s focus between Fred Hampton’s work with Black Panther Party and Bill O’Neill’s work with the FBI to surveil Hampton, King and his screenwriters have almost created two separate films that overlap and merge as the characters’ lives becomes more intertwined. It’s a technique that works surprisingly well, giving us the tender and powerful moments of a Hampton biopic while we watch him form the Rainbow Coalition and fall in love. And in O’Neill’s story, we’re given the beats of a political thriller as we watch a young man in over his head, manipulated and coerced by his handlers to make choices that will haunt him the rest of his life. The two central performances are stellar – Daniel Kaluuya and Lakeith Stanfield each bring such a different and unique energy to their respective roles that keeps us fully invested in both characters’ arcs. King’s use of archival material at the beginning of the film is highly effective, especially in the way it transitions us into the main plot, showing the ways that images of Black solidarity are immediately threatening to white authorities. Like a few other films that have been released in the last few years, the film’s depiction of police racism and brutality is a necessary corrective to Hollywood’s near-constant glorification of the profession. There’s also a timeliness in the way the film shows how uncomfortable it is for the established powers that be (as well as white, paternalistic liberals) when the Black community (or any BIPOC community) demands equality rather than waiting to be granted equality out of beneficence. It’s a powerful film – hopefully just one of many necessary correctives to decades of popular cinema’s demonization of the Black Panthers and the Black Power movement.

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Two of Us (2019) | Directed by Filippo Meneghetti

Filippo Meneghetti’s Two of Us is an overwrought, sensationalized LGBTQ melodrama with two really strong performances at the center that keep the film from getting too emotionally unbelievable. The film ends up falling squarely in the tradition of LGBTQ trauma theatre. While it may be understandable that two older French women might have difficulty revealing their relationship to their children, Meneghetti keeps needlessly piling on the suffering in ways that smack of cruelty and arise out of misunderstandings that could have been cleared up with characters being honest with one another. This causes the plot to feel more mechanistic, functioning more in service of the director and his co-writer’s whims and caprices, rather than anything that arose from genuine character or relational motivations. Meneghetti does make use of some fantastic close-ups throughout the film to highlight his two leading performers, showing how much they can convey with the simplest flicker of emotion across their faces or the smallest darting of their eyes. Similarly, the production design is quite evocative and used to beautifully (and painfully) illustrate the characters’ isolation from one another during the film’s second act. But Meneghetti throws in unnecessary and heavy-handed dream imagery that, while beautifully shot, is entirely out-of-place in this film that wants to be more grounded in genuine relationships. And he also can’t resist adding unnecessary, and at times pulpy, complications to what could have been a beautiful and simple narrative, taking the film well past the point of credulity by the time the credits roll, so that we have lost much of the emotional connection we have with these characters. It’s a film with so much promise, but it ended up a convoluted mess.

Criterion Channel Surfing, Episode 38: The Masters on Other Streaming Services

Josh is joined once again by critic Britt Coundiff to finish their conversation on “The Masters” – this time focusing on films from some of the greatest filmmakers in cinema that are available on other streaming services.

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